The ministry of lector enables men and women to proclaim the Word of the Lord and to symbolize the involvement of the assembly in the celebration of the Eucharist. It is an opportunity to enhance one's spirituality and knowledge of the Scriptures by actively participating in the revelation of God's Word to the parish community. We invite parishioners to consider joining this ministry. If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact the Parish Office.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers are members of the assembly who assist in the sharing of the Eucharist. We invite parishioners to consider joining this ministry. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact the Parish Office.
Altar Servers are younger members of the assembly, male and female, who celebrate Eucharist fully (received First Communion). They excercise their ministry by assisting the presiding priest. There is training and peer support to help these young parishioners. We encourage our younger members to talk to other servers or speak with or email Father Tom with any questions and to consider joining the other servers in this ministry.
Ushers and Greeters are parishioners interested in serving the parish by greeting worshipers before liturgy as they assemble for Eucharist. They also answer general questions that parishioners and visitors may have. They may assist with the Gifts Presentation, taking up collections and distributing bulletins. We encourage parishioners, young and old, to serve in this ministry of welcome and hospitality. If you would like to serve in this way contact the Parish Office.
Music is critical to the celebration of the liturgy. We are always eager for gifted parishioners to share their talent as instrumentalists at our liturgies. Please consult our Parish Office for information.